Add Quotation Marks to Text

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The Online Quotes Adder is an innovative and user-friendly online tool designed to streamline the process of adding quotation marks around your text. Whether you're a writer, editor, or just someone looking to format text for social media posts, presentations, or documents, this tool offers a straightforward solution. It allows users to input text directly into the tool or import text files. After inputting text, you can choose custom opening and closing quotes, opt to skip empty lines, and even specify a character to join lines. This feature is particularly useful for creating a seamless flow in your text or for specific formatting requirements.

Using the tool is as simple as typing or pasting your text into the "Input" text area or importing a file with the content you wish to modify. Once your text is ready, you can customize how you want your quotes to appear by filling in the "Left Quote" and "Right Quote" fields. If your text has empty lines that you prefer not to include within quotes, just tick the "Skip Empty Lines" checkbox. Additionally, the "Join Character" option allows you to define a character that will be used to join your text lines, offering even more control over the output. After applying your preferences, the modified text will appear in the "Output" area, ready for you to save to your device or copy to the clipboard with the click of a button.

This tool stands out for its ease of use, versatility, and the customization it offers, making it an essential online utility for anyone looking to add quotes to their text efficiently. It eliminates the manual effort of adding quotes around each line or paragraph, saving time and ensuring consistency across your document. Whether you're working on a project that requires a specific quotation style or simply looking to add a professional touch to your text, this tool has you covered.